Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2, 2010 College Station Texas

This morning we had breakfast with Desiree, Geronimo and Taylor before heading off to Austin to see the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum. We also stopped and visited Des at her work before leaving and she made Grandpa a fruit smoothie. She looked so cute behind that counter. Hard to believe it's been 21 years since we waited for her birth in Kaiser WC OB waiting room.
We have seen 8 of the 12 Presidential Libraries now, but this is the best by far, and there is no charge. He was a remarkable President and Lady Bird was the love of is life.....he worked upwards of 20 hours every day, but had a heart attack at 53. Thus, his life was shortened and they were only married 38 years before he died. I want to upload more photos to this blog but they are not going through, so I'll try later. We will see George Herbert Walker Bush Presidential Library tomorrow. We are here in Texas A and M territory.

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