Sunday, April 5, 2009

Here is one of the graves in the 300 year old cemetery...the next picture I took peeking inside as you can see the stone is askew on the left side.....morbid old me! You can see more in the picture than I could by peeking in.
Later on in the evening we stopped by a lake on our way to another 300 year old cemetary...we found this memorial...No more tomorrows for us to share, but yesterdays memories will always be Irene from Dermot. I thought that was sweet.
This is the inside of the Cross Church which we just visited and then went and browsed the cemetary connected to it...we found one King grave stone, so we took a picture.

The fields are lovely with green grass, cows and their calves and sheep and their baby lambs. We toured all around town and out on all the country roads for several hours. They drive like maniacs here.

Here is a picture of inside St. Marys Church where we attended Mass this morning. Father said to go to confession and be sure and attend service on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to live up to your beliefs of Catholicism. We already missed confession so we'll try and do some of the other three.
Here is a sample of one of the homes in the area...beautiful! Note, the lady has her washing hanging out on the line to dry. WOW!

We left the hotel after breakfast and drove around the town. Then off to Mass for Ed and Sherill at St. Mary's at 11:30 a.m. Would you believe, we were out of there by 12:05 p.m......Palm Sunday, reading of the passion and all. Unbelievable!!! One Irish man I spoke to about that said "Well, that's the way you want it, eh?" He and three other men were in one of the cemeteries digging a grave for a family member. They are allowed to do that here.

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